Monday, December 20, 2010

making history

I find it amusing that this month has made so much history. First, it has been the snowiest December on record for Syracuse. The snow started and never stopped finding all of us off guard and unprepared even for us Syracuse folk! During our trip to the hospital we kept hearing from the nursing staff that there must be something in the air because the amount of births they experienced during those 48 hours was "absolutely nutty" to quote my nurse. Then after a little Googling online this evening I found out that tonight marks a celestial phenomenon with a lunar eclipse and the advent of winter. According to NASA's website "Since Year 1, I can only find one previous instance of an eclipse matching the same calendar date as the solstice, and that is December, 21 1638 ." Basically that means this same event only happened 372 years ago! Why am I rambling about snow storms and lunar phases on my family blog you might wonder? It just so happens the change of seasons are important to both Mo and I. It's no coincidence that we were married on March 21st (the spring equinox) because we found it fitting to celebrate the new life of spring with the new life of our marriage. And so... here we are with the birth of our first child and this very day was supposed to be his real due date! For some reason I find something a bit magical about that. To take it one step further in the name of "historic" events, the name Elias is derived from the sun God Helios, both a literal "son" and figurative translation. So, here we are about to witness this phenomenon of the moon at the same time as we celebrate the coming life of our son (sun). OK yes.....I admit this comparison most certainly shows the deep seeded hippie in me, but come on it's all pretty cool ;)

As for the details of this past week: there is nothing I really want to say about my labor and delivery besides the fact that it was the worst experience of my life - and yet somehow it gave me the most amazing thing I've ever had/made/felt! There are no books or classes that can prepare you for the birth of your child (quite literally) but when it's all said and done there's a reason that people keep going back for more!

On that note I proudly introduce to you Elias Andrew Hereba! Born December 13, 2010 at 6:02 am. 9 pounds. 21 inches! Here are a few peaks from his first week...(notice the hands in all the pics - he never puts them down!)

Alert after a feeding!

Sleepy after a bath.

Not sure what to think of Daddy!

Hospital photo shoot.


Mrs E said...

Congratulations my sweetnuckers! You're a Mommy! He's gorgeous! I'm so happy for you and Mo! Can't wait to snuggle Elias!

Sarah said...

Congrats!!! I've been hearing about the snow up there and thought of you. Remember when lasalle closed for half an inch frosh year LOL?! Too funny. Hope you are enjoying mommyhood :). Oh and I loved your "hippie" post. Made me realized it's been too long since I've seen you.

Robyn DeGaetano said...

You really are such a hippie - but you always have been, and I love that about you! Also, I love this boy's hair!! I love hairy babies, but of coures all of mine were hairy, so that may be why. :) AND I think that 12/12/10 is a very cool birthday! AND I offically need to exchange what I got for him, which makes me sad, because it was super adorable, but I'll find something else cute. Hope to see you soon!

Anonymous said...

Leslie, That you were disempowered during your birthing experience by the medical establishment is a bitter sadness to bear, made sweet by having your beautiful baby boy to coddle and hold. The knowledge you gained might serve to benefit others and certainly will benefit you if you should give it a another shot someday. Love and fondness, Debbie

LindsayOtt said...

I like all the interesting celestial happenings you shared that coincided with Elias's arrival - the eclipse, the snow, the solstice. I'm enjoying this blog already...and seeing pics of mini Mo :)
